Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Baking is an easy way to show hospitality here in Hanoi, and chocolate chip cookies are an easy student favorite to make.  I'm sure you all are familiar with at least one good chocolate chip cookie recipe, so I won't rehash the ingredients and measurements.

As many of you know, baking is NOT a flexible must be precise and too many substitutions can ruin a good recipe, so the first thing I learned when we arrived here is get it when you see it!!!  (Brown sugar was no where to be found when we first arrived, then later in the summer we discovered an abundance of it at a Western food store and decided to wait--it was gone a few weeks later.)  The second thing we learned is to pick your battles--one battle we chose NOT to fight was the expense of brown just can't make chocolate chip cookies without it!  Chocolate chips, on the other hand cost at LEAST $5 (USD) for a small bag.

Instead, we pay around $1.20 for a large chocolate bar, which--incidentally--is at the nearby grocery store.  This way we save money, and can avoid having to traipse all over town to grab a bag of chocolate!

 Since we don't have a microwave, I soften my butter by placing it in the mixing bowl on top of the oven as it's preheating--it works like a charm!

 Don't leave the US without knowing if you can find parchment paper!  Butter is expensive here, so I don't like to use it to grease a cookie sheet.  Luckily, we can occasionally find parchment paper.  On a return trip, I may see about a silicone baking sheet...since this is reusable.

Just for fun--this is my baking station.  I'm getting really talented at NOT spilling the flour!

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