Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Great Tortilla Experiment

So what do you do when you are a person who grew up in the southern USA and are accustomed to all types of wonderful tasting food that just is not mimicked well here in Hanoi?

This is a question I came across recently as I was craving Mexican food and we decided to order out at this "Mexican" restaurant. Well our burrito and quesadilla arrived about 1 hour later with soggy tortillas and I had to wonder "Is there a better way?"

So my mind was set on a quest to create from scratch "good" tortillas. (At this point I have to admit that I miss the ease of Wal-Mart inexpressibly even with all of the swearing the place off after finishing working there during college)

I found a recipe in the Wycliffe International Cookbook which looked promising:

So with a quick glance over of the recipe- I was off in search of ingredients to put these "perfect tortillas together.

The recipe began by putting all of the dry ingredients together.

With the outrageous cost of butter/dairy products I decided to use oil I bought in the market for the 6 Tablespoons mentioned. (note to self: do not buy the cheapest oil- it smells like fish- eww)

This is the beautiful dry ingredients with the oil poured directly in the center... ain't it purty? lol

Now came the fun of kneading the dough(at which point I am missing my old bread machine). Lots of arm exercise.

After kneading the dough came rolling it into balls the size of an egg(the difference in size between the balls is because eggs come in different sizes, not because I was being less than precise ;-) lol. Then they had to rest for 15 minutes. This was no big deal because by the time I finished rolling them the ones I started with had been sitting for 15 minutes already- onward to next step!

Finally they were rolled out to tortilla thickness and cooked on a clean dry skillet for a couple minutes on each side.

After the job was completed they look like real tortillas and I was thinking it would be kinda cool to have a mexican food night with students, but they are also more solid than they should be or should I say stiff. They tasted ok, but not soft enough to roll them into burritos. Anyone have any suggestions?

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